Inclusion and excellence in postconflict colombian higher education: views from the leadership

After the presentations of the rectors and taking into account the strategic role of higher education as a factor of inclusion and social transformation in all regions of the country in order to ensure the foundation of a lasting peace, we can conclude the following: • The higher education sector is...

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Martínez Barrios, Patricia del Pilar
Allen, Walter R
Jones, Chantal
Huerta, Adrián
Consuegra, Enis
De La Hoz, Remberto
Consuegra Bolívar, José Eusebio
Rondón, Maritza
Torres Oviedo, Jairo
Castilla, Harold
Leal, Jaime
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Simón Bolívar
Repositorio Digital USB
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Equality in education
Aims and objectives
Inclusive education
Social integration
Educational policy
Education higher
Social aspects
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
Summary:After the presentations of the rectors and taking into account the strategic role of higher education as a factor of inclusion and social transformation in all regions of the country in order to ensure the foundation of a lasting peace, we can conclude the following: • The higher education sector is called on to play a crucial role in the path toward turning Colombia into a post-conflict society, together with Colombian government authorities. • As higher education institute leaders throughout Colombia, deans are in a unique position to provide insights on this issue, and to support vigorous action for the promotion of social justice to reduce violence and help in building lasting peace. • The rectors have the enormous responsibility to actively shape the future of Colombian higher education. • The four universities present, together with the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, who are authors of the panel, given their size and territory coverage, account for 25% of Colombian higher education; hence, their opinions and actions are essential for building a new peaceful Colombia in order not to have 100 years of solitude again and provide new generations with a second opportunity on earth. • There are many challenges and barriers to promoting inclusion and quality in education, which are related to closing gaps between regions and promoting equity in resource distribution and social inclusion; changing the way in which we conceive work with communities; and incorporating new awareness associated with the recognition of diversity as a need to construct more fair and equitable societies. • Collaborative work models, such as some of the experiences described today, which are worth understanding and developing further. • We would like to invite the audience to join these universities in their efforts to keep on exchanging knowledge and identifying new ways of making progress on collaborative work toward development.