Microwave extraction of champa (Campomanesia lineatifolia Ruiz and Pav.) fruit: alternative to obtain natural antioxidants

Champa (Campomanesia lineatifolia Ruiz and Pav.) is a fruit tree that belongs to Myrtaceae family and is native from the Amazon. Champa fruit has special organoleptic characteristics like its flavor and is an important source of phenolic compounds useful in food industry. Currently, the postharvest...

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Otalvaro Alvarez, Angela Maria
Pabon Baquero, Ludy Cirstina
Rendon Fernandez, Margarita Rosa
Chaparro Gonzalez, Maria Patricia
Tipo de recurso:
Article of journal
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
55 Ciencias de la tierra / Earth sciences and geology
63 Agricultura y tecnologías relacionadas / Agriculture
Agroindustrial biotechnology
food processing
fruit extracts
natural additives
phenolic compounds
fruit postharvest
Aditivos naturales
biotecnología agroindustrial
compuestos fenólicos
extractos de frutas
poscosecha de frutas
procesamiento de alimentos.
Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
Summary:Champa (Campomanesia lineatifolia Ruiz and Pav.) is a fruit tree that belongs to Myrtaceae family and is native from the Amazon. Champa fruit has special organoleptic characteristics like its flavor and is an important source of phenolic compounds useful in food industry. Currently, the postharvest process of champa fruit needs to be improved due to fruit losses, which had achieved a 97%. In this sense, the aim of this research was to evaluate microwave extraction to obtain extracts enriched in phenolic compounds from champa fruit. The evaluated variables were as follows: microwave power (100-200W), extraction time (1-2min) and solvent (water, ethanol-water 70:30 and ethanol-water 96:4), respectively. Results showed that the best condition to obtain phenolic extracts involved the use of water as solvent, 100W of power and 2min of extraction time. Given these concerns, was possible to obtain a yield higher than 60%. The obtained extracts had achieved a maximum antioxidant activity of 11.36 and 31.44 mg of Trolox.g-1 of dry pulp through DPPH and FRAP methods. In fact, the higher phenolic concentration (3450.73 μg Gallic acid. g-1 of dry pulp) was obtained with a 200 W of microwave power, water as solvent and 1 min of extraction time. These results suggest that champa fruit is a source of phenolic extracts with antioxidant activity, which are useful for agroindustry sector, especially as natural additives to extend the shelf life of different products.