Procedimiento para el cálculo de los parámetros de impulsos atmosféricos de tensión

Los laboratorios de alta tensión permiten realizar pruebas a diferentes objetos de ensayo o en vacío. En el laboratorio de la UIS se realizan las pruebas del impulso atmosférico para lo cual se identifican las curvas de tensión normalizadas. Este libro presenta una descripción del generador de impul...

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Gonzalez Lizarazo, Wilson Epifanio
Rodriguez Rueda, David Alberto
Reatiga Gonzalez, Javier Ricardo
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Generador De Impulsos (Gi)
Impulso Atmosférico (Ia)
Objetos De Ensayo
Curva Registrada
Tensión De Prueba.
High voltage laboratories allow making different test objects or empty. In laboratory tests UIS lightning impulse for which standard voltage curves are identified are made. This book presents a description of the pulse generator used and how the test voltage is generated. Atmospheric test voltage pulse yields a signal oscillations which can be detailed study of the test voltage curve and timing parameters in the wavefront and tail. The data are treated as recommended by the proposed standard IEEE 4 of 2013 for the calculation of these parameters procedure. This study characterizes the test signals taken with the oscilloscope division at different scales
so the information recorded curve is influenced depending on the scale of capture. For some waves are more samples than for others is also clear that for different cases the oscillations change. Waves are analyzed truncated
filtered and adjusted according to the procedure from the time values describing whether the wave is in the range of standard The results are obtained through a computational tool developed in Matlab
taking into account the proposed methodology
a user interface for easy access to the results after completion of the test laboratory was established.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)