Diseño e implementación de una unidad didáctica para el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de la lectura critica en estudiantes de quinto grado de una institución pública

La presente investigación tuvo como propósito desarrollar la lectura crítica en estudiantes de grado quinto a través de textos narrativos. El diseño metodológico, objeto del presente estudio, correspondió a una investigación-acción en un modelo de proceso temporal que representa dos ciclos de acción...

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Cuadros Velasco, Adriana Maria
Plata Diaz, Naira Julieth
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Lectura Crítica
Unidad Didáctica
Enfoque Socio -Constructivista
Estrategias De Aprendizaje
Textos Narrativos.
This research was aimed to develop critical reading in fifth grade through narrative texts. The methodological design
which was the main goal for this study corresponded to a research action on a model of temporary process that represents their action cycles each in three stages
only one cycle was actually executed: diagnosis
design and implementation and evaluation made positively impact the population that was put through this study. Likewise
the teaching unit was developed under the constructive socio-pedagogical approach proposed by Vigotsky which is structured (real development zones
proximo and potencial)
all of these closely related to the twenty-two techniques by Daniel Cassany. From all of this we could conclude that the didactic unit for critical reading draw from the constructivist partner approach
enables the acquisition of skills if it is part of the cultural and social reality around the student to make sense
be helpful
improve the integration and acquisition of knowledge and provide themselves with various strategies that position his or her views against reality.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)