análisis poblacional de marcadores autosómicos indels en una muestra de individuos del departamento de Santander, Colombia

Los polimorfismos de inserción-deleción (INDELs), son una forma alternativa de variación genética natural que se han convertido en el foco de numerosas investigaciones durante los últimos años. Los INDELs presentan características potenciales como baja tasa de mutación, alta capacidad multiplex y fa...

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Trujillo Pelayo, Nathalia Andrea
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Polimorfismos De Inserción
Deleción Indels
Identificación Humana
Estructura De La Población
As complementary markers of Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
Insertion-Deletion polymorphisms (INDELs)
an alternative form of natural genetic variation
have become the focus of numerous research during the recent years. INDELs have potential features like low mutation rates
multiplexing capability and the ease of genotyping highly degraded DNA samples
which make them more suitable to investigate population admixture events and a useful tool in the field of human identification. Based on the analysis of 38 autosomal INDELs
we established the degree of genetic structure in Santander through the typing of 500 healthy unrelated individuals. We reported allele frequencies and genetic parameters such as heterozygosity
Hardy Weinberg exact test
genetic distance analysis and linkage disequilibrium. We also
evaluated statistical parameters such as discrimination power
match probability and exclusion probability in order to detect the forensic efficiency of this panel. Significant deviation from HardyWeinberg expectations were found in six of the 38 markers studied (P< 0.01). The AMOVA indicated that the individual component of genetic variation represents 96.08% of the total genetic diversity which is related to the low value of FST found in the population. Also
the combined discrimination power and power of exclusion for the whole panel were 1 and 0.99619147
respectively. Santander remains as the same reproductive genetic unit with no substructure. The efficiency and ease of these markers make them a useful and interesting tool for future studies of human identification and genetic variation in natural populations. The present database will be the first database released for Santander
Colombia with these types of markers and will be useful for forensic and paternity purposes.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)