Cambios sociales y económicos de los habitantes de las zonas de influencia rio abajo de la central hidroeléctrica Sogamoso, posteriores a la construcción e inicio de producción energética de la misma

La construcción de hidroeléctricas en Latinoamérica ha sido, desde los años 60, un tema de impacto y controversia. Es importante tener en cuenta los efectos producidos por dichas construcciones, tanto en el ecosistema como en las comunidades aledañas. En Santander Colombia, en el año 2009 se constru...

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Fonseca Saavedra, Nathalia Rocio
Ramirez Caselles, Mary Alejandra
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Cambios Sociales
Condiciones De Vida
Mega Obra.
The construction of dams in Latin America has been
since the 60’s
a controversia and shocking topic. It is important to take into account the effects generated by these works
both for the ecosystem and the surrounding communities. In 2009
in the department of Santander
the Sogamoso dam was built
significantly affecting the ecosystem as well as several populations of nearby towns. The present research was undertaken to define the social and economic changes derived for the construction of this public work
based on the perception of the local habitants living downstream of the dam. To do so
techniques such as semi-structured interviews and focal groups were applied
based on the qualitative method of social investigation and exposed to the ecological theory of ecosystems. The main changes found are mostly social
centered on unemployment
familiar disruption and the sequels on environment biodiversity. Finally
it is recommended to continue with the process of community’s intervention
reinforcing group cohesion and the awareness of rights and duties for the population in the area
thus achieving an integral contribution from the social work perspective and its incidence in communitarian processes.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)