Síntesis de zeolitas na-p empleando Clinker natural y aluminio post-consumo. evaluación en la liberación controlada de pesticidas y fungicidas en legumbres

El clinker natural es una roca sedimentaria alterada térmicamente mediante la combustión espontánea de los mantos de carbón del subsuelo, este proceso oxidativo se debe a la exposición del carbón a diferentes condiciones atmosféricas como lo son la erosión, la minería a cielo abierto y/o al contacto...

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Triana Merlo, Andres Dario
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Zeolita Na-P
Clinker Natural
Lactuca Sativa.
Natural clinker is a sedimentary rock thermally altered during the spontaneous combustion of the coal beds from the subsoil
this oxidative process is due to the coal exposition to different atmospheric conditions such as erosion
open pit mining
or contact with oxygen in the depths of the soil. Thanks to its high concentration of Si
it is possible to use this rock as a precursor for zeolites synthesis so we use a sample of natural clinker from the mining cwhich was treated in an alkaline fusion process with 3 M NaOH until its amorphization. Starting with the generated vitreous material
hydrothermal synthesis was employed to synthesize the structure of the Na-P type zeolite which was found at a concentration of 37.8% within the solid and was chosen to study its effect on Lactuca sativa crops and the elimination of a fungicide such as DithaneTM M-45 in this kind of vegetables. The combination of a 5% zeolitized clinker and 3% chicken manure mixture regarding the rice husk was the most effective because it was able to remove approximately half the concentration of the fungicide found in the plants and nurture them with a higher quantity of minerals. Natural clinker
vitreous material
and the zeolyzed clinker were analyzed by X-Ray powder Diffraction (XRD)
X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Atomic Absorption spectroscopy (AA). The content of some minerals in L. sativa plants was determined by AA and the DithaneTM M-45 was characterized and quantified by Infrared spectroscopy (IR)
XRF and Ultraviolet-Visible spectroscopy (UV-Visible)
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