Implementación de un portal web para incentivar las ventas por medio del e-commerce en las empresas de calzado del área de San Francisco/Bucaramanga

El comercio electrónico en la actualidad juega un papel importante en el desarrollo económico de Colombia y el mundo permitiendo comercializar sus productos y servicios las 24 horas del día dirigiéndose a un mayor público en donde las fronteras del lenguaje y el espacio se reducen significativamente...

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Camargo Diaz, Jorge Alfredo
Guillen Pabon, Luz Alba
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Portal Web
Comercio Electrónico
Nowadays the electronic commerce plays a very important rol in the economic development of Colombia and the entire world; it allows the world to market their products and services 24 hours a day going to a wider audience where the borders of language and space are significantly reduced. Thanks to the huge development of electronic commerce that moves a variety of business sectors and together they complement each other to reach new end-users satisfying the offers and demand for their merchandise. The traders of Bucaramanga San Francisco area for years have sold their shoes in the city
however with the arrival of new technologies to the country
better internet coverage and a growing number of people through these means venture into online shopping
thanks to the fast and better merchandise shipments
to the laws that give users the assurance and compliance by companies providing such services. The project creates a space where all area businesses can show and market their products so that the potential customers can access the needed information to buy and contact with the merchants. The present project was realized by base in the methodology Scrum
to the being this agile methodology contributes with the adjustment
flexibility and of quality of the software what allowed that the project should adapt in a suitable way to the intentions that were looked.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)