Metodología para la implementación de un programa de mantenimiento preventivo en tanques de almacenamiento de crudo basados en la norma APL 653

El almacenamiento constituye un elemento de gran valor en la explotación de hidrocarburos debido a que actúa como pulmón entre la producción y el transporte, permitiendo una flexibilidad operativa en las refinerías y los centros de acopio de los campos de producción. Almacenar sustancias peligrosas...

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Sandoval Hernandez, Jorge Miguel
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Procedimientos De Inspección
Tanques De Almacenamiento
Reparaciones Metalmecánicas
Api 653
Api 650.
The Storage constitutes an element of great value in the exploitation of hydrocarbons since it acts as a lung between the production and transport
allowing operational flexibility in the refineries and warehouses of the fields of production. Store hazardous substances and reduce the risk of leaks is vital. The storage tank corrosion can cause environmental pollution and loss. For it it is necessary to guarantee the safety and the reliability of the tanks. For such a reason there is necessary the implementation of programs of preventive maintenance in the industry of hydrocarbons; it helps to reduce the repair by means of a routine of periodic inspections
the renovation of the elements spoilt to avoid losses of production for deficiencies in the tank of hydrocarbons. This work aims to develop a methodology that allows to develop a program of preventive maintenance in crude oil storage tanks based on the API 653 standard. It drew up a step-by-step of activities that allow the operator
a more effective interaction and a successful response to the presence of any type of difficulty
supported in existing procedures and that come referenced in the API 653 "Inspect
disassembly and reconstruction of Horizontal or Vertical Tanks". It also carried out the description of the procedures applicable to this methodology and tests to perform
to ensure the safety of the operation and the mitigation in the generation of environmental impacts
thus achieving safe work spaces for the worke
friendly with the environment.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)