El folklore colombiano inserto en la música católica: composiciones para el formato de la misa

La finalidad de este proyecto es utilizar ritmos del folklore colombiano en composiciones para la liturgia de la misa y promover el uso de la música popular dentro de la misma. Por consiguiente, se ha hecho un acercamiento histórico a la música sacra, resaltando diferentes facetas y compositores que...

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Blanco Barajas, Yelsinn Fernando
Porras Gualdron, Jhon Anibal
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Música Sacra
Composición Y Aspectos Musicales
Folklore Colombiano
Liturgia De La Misa.
The main of this project is to use the Colombian folklore rhythms in compositions for the liturgy of the mass and promote the usage of the popular music within itself. Therefore
a historic approach to sacred music has been made
highlighting diverse facets and composers which contributed to the structure and evolution of sacred music within the mass. In Colombia
the arrival of Spanish colonies determined that music had to be influenced by European and African elements
apart from the existing contribution from natives
each one with different traditions and cultures. This mingle gave way to what is known as Folklore music
and there
is where the popular perspective enriches itself thanks to the contribution of these three cultures. By having clear what was mentioned before
composition aspects from the academic and popular point of view were covered
taking into account what the Catholic church has available for mass music
to obtain a positive result regarding the creation of typical songs with a liturgical and folkloric character. Since the Second Vatican Council
the Catholic Church set a special section for musicians and composers in the Scrosanctum Concilium commissioning the care of Catholic music and motivating to compose according to the tradition of the region where the Eucharist is celebrated
promoting the participation of the faithful in the Eucharistic singing. It is here where our songs have the purpose
not only to have active participation of God's people
but also to praise and bless his name. Besides being clear about musical aspects
not only academic but also religious
four Colombian rhythms were selected to start the composition work (pasillo
they were studied in depth
obtaining historical information
musical richness
musical forms and textures
composers and interpreters.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)