Dispositivo de soporte y transporte de pistolas de aspersión para la realización de acabados en las paredes de los furgones isotérmicos

Este documento registra el proceso de diseño de un dispositivo semiautomático de soporte y transporte de pistolas de aspersión usadas para la fabricación de los paneles de cerramiento de las cabinas isotérmicas elaboradas por la empresa Furgoriente S.A. Actualmente, Furgoriente fabrica los paneles d...

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Arroyave Remolina, Laura Melissa
Pabon Rojas, Wilfer Andres
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Aspersión De Fibra
Dispositivos Automáticos
Fibra De Vidrio
Furgones Isotérmicos
This document registers the design process of a semiautomatic device support and transport of spray guns used for making cladding panels isothermal cabins produced by the company Furgoriente S.A. Currently
Furgoriente manufactures the enclosure panels of the vans manually
why variables that influence the final quality of the product
within these are generated: The correct positioning angle of the gun
for minimum distances spray and wipe patterns; waste of materials and time: additionally another series of drawbacks such as arise. Starting from the problems encountered in the development of the enclosure panels booths isothermal vans and following the methodology for the design and development of products Karl Ulrich and Steven Eppinger
a proposal by the device that the company would offer benefits generated
adapting to the conditions of both the environment and the requirements for solving the above problems. The structure was designed in a modular fashion to facilitate its location within the premises of the company; has dimensions of 3 x 9 meters
which are necessary to build longer lengths sheets produced by the company; It has the necessary fasteners to locate additional devices (spray gun and roll for rolling); It is designed with removable covers for easy maintenance and presents a user-friendly design
using materials and consistent to the place and type of work in which the device is exposed forms.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)