Estimación de la generación interna de calor variable en el tiempo en solidos calentados con microondas, mediante análisis de su correspondiente problema inverso

En el presente trabajo de investigación aplicada se hizo uso del algoritmo de optimización global de la espiral con el fin de resolver un problema inverso. La base principal de este problema consistió en realizar la estimación de la generación interna de calor en un sólido con geometría esférica de...

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Lopez Rojas, Juan Carlos
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Problema Inverso
Método De La Espiral
Generación Interna De Calor
Carburo De Silicio.
In the present applied research work
was used the Spiral global optimization algorithm for resolve a inverse problem. This problem consisted in estimate the internal heat generation in a solid with spherical geometry of Silicon carbide (SiC)
which was selected due to its electrical properties and energy absorption capacity when it is subjected to a process of microwave heating. Initially
were proposed the first law of thermodynamics with Maxwell equations in order to formulate the plantation of the microwave heating model (direct problem) and
from its solution
structure the corresponding inverse problem. On the other hand
different tests performed to the Spiral algorithm are presented to verify its efficiency. Subsequently proceeded to solve the inverse problem through the Spiral method
for this way
estimate the internal heat generation in the solid when it is subjected to microwave heating. Finally
the results obtained were compared with the obtained using the Levenberg Marquardt deterministic conventional method. 3
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