Estudio de la influencia del tiempo de residencia de gases en la producción de aceite pirolítico a partir de caucho de llantas de desecho

En el presente trabajo de grado se da a conocer el estudio de la influencia del tiempo de residencia de gases en la producción de aceite pirolítico, en el cual se evalúa el rendimiento de aceite y gas como también la concentración de los compuestos aromáticos obtenidos a partir de pirólisis de cauch...

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Bohorquez Rodriguez, Luis Enrique
Camargo Angarita, Catalina
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Pirólisis De Llanta
Tiempo De Residencia De Gases
Llantas Usadas
Aceite Pirolítico
Compuestos Aromáticos
Aromáticos Btx
This paper shows the study of the influence of the gas residence time in pyrolytic oil production where the yield of oil and gas is evaluated as well as the concentration of important compounds obtained from pyrolysis of scrap tires. Low residence times were evaluated (between 1
58 and 3
70 min) as well as high residence times obtained from previous studies (between 10
40 and 25
70 min)
and using two different temperatures
466 and 600 ° C. A maximum oil yield of 43
43% was obtained at 600 ° C and 155 Nml / min of N2 with a residence time of 2
80 minutes. At low residence times
the oil yields were very closed each other in both temperatures
in other words
if a temperature of 466°C is used
it™d have the same effect as using a temperature of 600 °C with a significant energy saving. Moreover
the concentration of aromatic compounds was quantified with a 40
92 %wt
obtained at 466 °C and 155 Nml / min of N2 with a residence time of 2
80 minutes. At these conditions were quantified the BTX™s compounds (ethylbenzene
xylenes and benzene) for Because the optimal conditions were 466 ° C and 155 Nml / min
the compounds BTX (ethylbenzene
xylenes and benzene)
obtaining a maximum concentration of 17
43 %wt. Toluene and ethylbenzene™s Concentrations are greater at low residence times
unlike the xilenes™ concentration is greater at high residence times. For benzene
because its concentration is very low
its tendency is not considered this work. The concentrations of aromatics and BTX compounds obtained in this study were higher than those reported by several authors in the literature.
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