Propuesta de mejoramiento del proceso de compras y contratos para las operadoras petroleras

En los últimos años se ha identificado que los procesos de compras y contratos afectan de forma similar a diferentes operadoras petroleras, siendo su común denominador las pérdidas de dinero, tiempo y valor en las empresas, las afectaciones a las empresas se presentan cuando los procesos administrat...

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Pineda Fajardo, Juan David
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Proceso De Compras Y Contratos
Propuesta De Mejoramiento
Operadoras Petroleras
Suministro De Bienes Y Servicios
Diagnóstico Y Mejoramiento.
On preceding years
there has been an identification of the way procurement and contracting processes affects oil and gas companies
being the common denominator a loss of money
and value. These adverse effects are observed when the administrative procurement and contract related processes are not aligned within the operation
becoming into bureaucratic
hard to follow
and generating poor results by being dense and long taking
these effects can delay the delivery of supplies/services or also lead to the contracting of services which do not comply with technical or legal specifications
affecting directly the company profits
its reputation and increasing the legal risk between the company and its contractors. That is why an analysis and a proposal for improvement of those processes involved in the supply chain becomes necessary
looking forward to maximizing profits
reducing losses and alleviating the adverse effects on the contractors. The objective of this document is to elaborate an improvement proposal for the procurement and contracting processes of the petroleum companies
by making a diagnostic of the current situation and analyzing the used procedures
information sources
and databases. This with the goal of detecting improvement opportunities
proposing adequate solutions and generating value into the company supply chain. 3
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