Comparación de la metodología general ajustada mga con la metodología del PMI en la formulación y gestión de proyectos y aplicación de la técnica de valor ganado en el proyecto de construcción del puente vehicular de Villa Nubia y Manzanares en el municipio de Sabana de Torres

En el desarrollo del presente trabajo, se muestra la aplicación de la metodología general ajustada MGA, la metodología del PMI, la técnica del valor ganado y la técnica de la programación ganada en el proyecto que tiene como objeto: Rehabilitación del paso vehicular de la vía terciaria Mata De Plata...

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Velandia Plata, Edinson Javier
Cardenas Angulo, Oscar Enrique
Tipo de recurso:
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Gestión De Proyectos
Metodología General Ajustada (Mga)
Valor Ganado (Ev)
Programación Ganada (Es).
In the development of the present work it is shows up the application of the general methodology set (MGA)
the PMI methodology
the earned value (EV) technique and earned schedule (ES) technique in the project that has as object: Rehabilitation of vehicular passage of the tertiary road Mata De Platano - Villa Nubia on Ramirez and Manzanares ravine of the rural area of the municipality of Sabana de Torres
Santanderwhich began to run in August. The general methodology set (MGA) was applied specifically in the formulation and evaluation of investment projects that is where state institutions apply it when they require of the state resources
of the national or departmental order to be able to run them. The PMI methodology was applied in monitoring and controlling
to show how one should compare the results of an ongoing project with the programmed initially to know if everything is OK or if is necessary to do something to correct the status of the project. Also the technique of earned value and earned programming was applied to show the usefulness that may have when analyzing the state of a project and with this to be able to take decisions to corrective and preventive in case the project fence wrong
or that things should continue doing so the project continues normally as it has done
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