Fortalecimiento al programa de mecanismos para la resolución pacífica de conflicto en el marco de subproceso de desarrollo humano de la Universidad Industrial de Santander

El presente documento, sintetiza el proceso llevado a cabo durante la modalidad de práctica empresarial para optar por el título de Trabajadora Social. Se realizó en la Sub Proceso de Desarrollo Humano Organizacional de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. El objetivo de esta práctica fue fortale...

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Ramirez Aleman, Lina Marcela
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Acoso Laboral
Responsabilidad Social
Enfoque De Derechos
Desarrollo Humano.
This document synthesizes the process that took place during a business practice to obtain a social worker degree. It was made in the Sub Proceso de Desarrollo Humano Organizacional of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. The aim of this practice was to strengthen the Mecanismos para la Resolución Pacífica de Conflictos program by means of strategies that achieve the improvement of the social welfare in the university community. Throughout the practice the mobbing
social responsibility
Human Rights-based Approach and Human Development theoretical proposals concepts were considered. As a methodology it was used the enfoque operativo de la metodología de Trabajo Social by Nidia Aylwin et al. where four stages were established and applied: diagnosis
implementation and evaluation
each one linked to the practice process elaborated according to the objectives devised at the beginning of the practice. The business practice was realized during the period of time between September 2015 and April 2016. The intervention from Social Work contributed to the program through educative formations addressed to the Comité de Convivencia Laboral y Mesas de Mediación members based on the integration of ludic
educational and reflective areas and the straighten of their social and communicative relations.
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