Diseño de un sistema de costos abc para la empresa Molinos El Águila

En el presente documento se describe el diagnóstico y formulación de una estructura de costos basado en actividades (ABC) para la empresa Molinos “El Águila” la cual le permite conocer los cotos reales de los diferentes productos ofrecidos por la empresa y así poseer un mejor control administrativo,...

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Guerrero Carvajal, Laura Camila
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Sistema De Costos Abc
Inductor De Costo
Centros De Costos.
This document the diagnosis and formulation of a cost structure based on activities (ABC) for the company “Molinos El Águila” which lets you know the actual reserves of the different products offered by the company is described and thus have a better administrative control
control inputs used in the development of each activity
recognizing each of its relevant activities and improve productivity and profitability. A verbal survey is conducted each employee to analyze and take time each of the activities which are involved in the production process of the company and to unite them in each cost center analyzed and assign its respective inductor
the best for this input or output generated by the process. Finally put into test tool designed to calculate the costs in the production of the products offered by the company are incurred
I was socialized and interpreted the information provided to the manager and his counters so that in this way facilitate the analysis of costs
strengthen continuous improvement and provide basis for decision making. When analyzing tool possible proposals for improving processes and operations arises; in order to be more competitive in the sector not only for the quality of the products but also by the prices offered to customers.
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