Evaluación del suministro de energía eléctrica mediante generación con gas en el campo de producción casabe de la gerencia de operaciones y desarrollo del rio (Yondó, Antioquía) Ecopetrol S.A.

Evitar pérdidas de producción por fallas eléctricas y la reducción de costos por consumo de energía eléctrica son temas relevantes en la industria en general, y en la del petróleo en particular, por su impacto en la economía. El aprovechamiento de los recursos primarios asociados a la extracción de...

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Payares Vasquez, Manuel Byron
Murillo Delgado, Vladimir Orlando
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Industria Del Petróleo
Consumo De Energía
Fuentes De Energía
Confiabilidad De Sistemas De Potencia
Generación Distribuida.
Avoid production losses due to power failures and reducing electric power consumption costs are important issues in the industry in general
and in the oil industry in particular for its impact on the economy. Currently the reduction of the contribution of the consumption of electricity in the costs incurred by companies in the oil industry is a challenge
taking into include factors such as low oil prices and the effect of climatic events on energy rates The use of primary resources associated with oil extraction
such as natural gas
for use as fuel for power generation
has several important advantages: reducing waste gas - consequently nonpayment of royalties for burning or venting - relatively low emissions
reduced energy purchase costs and increase the reliability of power systems
although the latter still must make efforts that depend on the peculiarities of each case. The concept of distributed generation of electricity allows local use of electricity generation
close to where the demand is
and should aim to achieve energy independence
so that the connection to the local distribution system is considered only if backup. The benefits achieved from the implementation of projects such as those addressed in this monograph is reason to be seriously considered as case studies to achieve overcome the regulatory and technical potholes that exist.
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