Determinantes de la competitividad de las empresas de energía solar en Colombia

El presente trabajo de investigación surgió por la preocupación frente a los efectos producidos por el cambio climático y a los desequilibrios económicos de los últimos años, generados principalmente por la producción y consumo desmedido de combustibles fósiles y procesos industriales. La alta depen...

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Ojeda Villamizar, Juan Sebastian
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Energías Renovables
Energía Solar
Energía Fotovoltáica
Diamante De Porter.
The present research work arose from the concern about the effects caused by climate change and the economic imbalances of recent years
generated mainly by the excessive production and consumption of fossil fuels and industrial processes. The high dependence of the Colombian economy on the hydrocarbon sector has proven to be harmful to the country's long-term finances. Solar energy stands out from all renewable energies and can become a strategic sector for the future of the country
solving the problems caused by fossil fuels. It is necessary that companies and the government know the factors that determine the competitiveness of this sector in order to make better decisions in its promotion and diffusion. For this purpose
a database on the solar sector in Colombia was set up
with information collected from secondary sources
which allowed the collection of descriptive and analytical conclusions that were not available until now and which make possible to understand its current structure. The main competitive factors of the companies in the solar sector were also identified based on the Porter´s diamond model. Measure indicators were defined for each one and contrasted with Ecuador
Chile and Germany
showing the current advantages and disadvantages of the country In front of the region. A more in-depth analysis of the role of government showed that the configuration of an effective and transparent institutional framework that coordinates actions between public and private entities
promoting competition between energy sources
has a substantial influence on the economic activity of the solar sector.
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