Caracterización del proceso de recolección de residuos sólidos con motocarros de la empresa de aseo de Bucaramanga EMAB en el sector del centro de la ciudad de Bucaramanga

En este trabajo se caracteriza el proceso de recolección de residuos sólidos con motocarros en el centro de la ciudad de Bucaramanga a partir de fuentes de información primaria, con el fin de estimar estadísticamente el valor de parámetros relevantes del proceso y documentar subprocesos administrati...

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Diaz Quintero, Leonardo
Uribe Rodriguez, Fabian Camilo
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:
Recolección Residuos
Caracterización Procesos
Capacidad Proceso
Transferencia Residuos.
In this work
the solid waste collection process in the Bucaramanga's city center is characterized by the analysis of primary information
in order to estimate statistically the main parameters from the process and keep record of administrative subprocesses. Based on this information
the process is organized in three phases: previous to the service phase composed by the human resource management
commercial management and users assignation
the service phase is divided in solid waste transport
collection and transfer and the after service phase includes documental management
customer management and vehicle preparation. Five critical aspects are analyzed: average weight of the bags used by customers
process capability analysis
transfer spots that are currently used to evacuate the vehicle
transfer duration and at last
routes duration; this aspects were defined along with the operational coordinator
responsible for the process. Finally
proposals are presented in order to improve the weaknesses and make the management easier for the solid waste collection process with motorcars. These proposals are: the selection of three transfer spots
a redesign according to national standards and the documental management with a JAVA app to support the management decisions.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)