Análisis de fallas paralelo en sistemas trifásicos desbalanceados: caso de aplicación a un sistema de distribución

El documento inicia con la descripción de los métodos de análisis de sistemas de potencia, modelo de componentes simétricas y modelo clásico. Descritos en los libros [3] Paul M. Anderson Analysis of fauted power system y [1] JOHN J. GRAINGER Y WILLIAM D. STEVENSON JR, Análisis de Sistemas de Potenci...

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Carreño Ortiz, Manuel Alexander
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Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:
Componentes Simétricas
Modelo Clásico
Alimentador De Red
Radio Medio Geométrico (Rmg)
Flujo De Carga
Reducción De Kron
Líneas Transpuestas
Generación Distribuida.
The document begins with a description of methods of analysis of power systems
symmetrical components and model classic model. Described in the books [3] Paul M. Anderson Analysis of fauted power system and [1] JOHN WILLIAM D. J. GRAINGER AND STEVENSON JR
Power System Analysis. The main objective: To compare the results of calculations of short applying the model of symmetrical components and the classical model; DIgSILENT using the software to perform simulations faults parallel type
for a distribution network prototype
not radial
three-phase and unbalanced. To achieve the objective and after submitting the description of the methods
the network is selected article example: "Fault Analysis of Multi-Phase Unbalanced Power Distribution Systems Non radial" of S. Mark and Leonard L. Grigsby halping; published in:. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Vol 31
No. 3
May / June 1995. [7]
the distribution network is a prototype
not radial
three-phase and unbalanced. It is important to note that the selected distribution network fits the case of distributed generation where generation is closer to the end user
increasing the use of short non-transposed lines. Distributed generation has increased thanks to the use of renewable energies. For the selected network the classical model for calculating the matrix phase
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