Optimización del proceso de obtención de glp en la planta de Cusiana para obtener mayor producción diaria de propano líquido

En la planta de GLP se producen los productos de GLP y NGL estabilizados con una producción aproximada de 7500 BPD y 1800 BPD, relativamente; dichos valores podrían ser más altos, pero debido a la presurización que sufren las torres de-etanizadora y de-butanizadora por los bajos consumos de fuel gas...

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Pacheco Rodriguez, Remberto Adolfo
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Flash Drum
In the LPG plant products LPG and NGL stabilized with a production of approximately 7500 and 1800 BPD BPD relatively occur; these values may be higher
but due to pressurization suffering towers deetanizer and desbutanizer by low consumption of fuel gas equipment ease of Cusiana this caused a decrease in the production of LPG and NGL and helped with the daily suffering pressurizing pipelines Porvenir and Apiay. Identified the main problem as was the pressurization of the towers and knowing where the problem came from a multidisciplinary group of engineers we stand on the task of finding ways to reduce the number of light receiving towers of the production process of GLP and NGL. To alleviate this problem the solution of installing a flash drum additional upstream of the current
where the light produced are diverted to various processes in the same plant
decreasing the amount of light entering the tower-etanizadora and maximizing raised the LPG and NGL production
in addition to this installation of a gas recirculation system that the gas is not sold where instead of recirculating gas plants send it to gas injection was made. The project goal is to feed fresh gas gas plants with the sole purpose of producing more efficiently the volume NGL unstabilized that fed the plant will produce LPG and consequently greater amount of LPG. The project is run by Equion Energy Limited as contractor Stork 3
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