Modelo matemático riguroso de la pirolisis de caucho de llantas usadas

Las llantas de automóviles usadas representan un enorme problema ambiental, debido a que tradicionalmente son apiladas en depósitos clandestinos, o quemadas a cielo abierto. Por lo tanto, se ha estudiado la pirólisis del caucho de llanta como una alternativa para tratar este residuo y generar produc...

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Sandoval Cuellar, Camilo Eduardo
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Lecho Fijo
Error Porcentual
Used automobile tires represent a huge environmental problem
since they are traditionally stacked in underground deposits
or burned opencast. Therefore
pyrolysis of the used tires rubber has been studied as an alternative to treat this residue and generate products (char
oil and gas)
that have a value added and that can be used by the industry. In this work
the energy balance for the pyrolysis process of used tires rubber was made for a laboratory scale fixed bed tubular reactor
looking for improve a model mathematical existing by including the equation obtained (Ec. 21). To verify the improvement of model
the yields of oil and gases obtained by simulation was analyzed by comparing them with experimental data. It was found that for temperatures of 466
533 and 600° C
the mean percentage error between simulated oil yields and experimental data was less than 11%
but for lower temperatures the behavior of the system adequately predicted. Additionally a parametric study was conducted in order to establish the optimal conditions of process for obtaining pyrolysis oil
found that at 600 ° C is achieved the best performance of this product.
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