Estudio para la implementación de un sistema de levantamiento con gas lift asistido por coiled tubing en el campo escuela colorado

El Coiled Tubing es una herramienta que consiste en una tubería continua de gran extensión y diámetro reducido, que se enrolla en un carrete y puede ser corrida con facilidad en un pozo petrolero. A través de los años, ha probado su efectividad en la realización de varias operaciones como reacondici...

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Miranda Arrieta, Juan Antonio
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Coiled Tubing
Gas Lift
Campo Escuela Colorado
Levantamiento Artificial
Análisis Financiero.
The Coiled Tubing is a tool that consists in a continuous tubing of big extension and slim diameter
which is spooled in a carrel and can be run easily in a well. Through the years
it has proved its effectiveness for the performance of several operations like workover and drilling
and also It has been used as a complement of some artificial lift systems
in order to take advantage of the benefits that is has in other areas. One of these systems is the Coiled Tubing Gas Lift
which combines the gas lift system with the Coiled Tubing
resulting in a spoolable system of fast extraction and insertion
with special valves that can be spooled with the tubing and provides a way for the gas injection to downhole through the Coiled Tubing. This system has been used successfuly in various oil fields
generating savings in operation costs
due principally to the reduction in the installation time and maintenance. The purpose of this project is to analyze the Coiled Tubing technology applied to the Gas Lift system for the production of fluids in wells from Colorado Field
to have an idea of the benefits that its implementation could offer. A design for its implementation in a group of wells is suggested according to their special characteristics and an economical analysis of the project is made using the pertinent economical indicators to consider the profitability that may bring the application of the technology and the benefits that it offers to the production.
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