Evaluación de proyectos para el aprovechamiento de fuentes no convencionales de energía utilizando el análisis envolvente de datos

La evaluación de proyectos para el aprovechamiento de fuentes no convencionales de energía utilizando el análisis envolvente de datos se desarrolla por medio de un procedimiento para identificar proyectos de inversión candidatos a ejecutar. Este procedimiento se realiza con base en la técnica llamad...

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Chaparro Florez, Holman Andres
Baron Suarez, Nixon Adrian
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Análisis Costo Beneficio De Los Impactos Medioambientales
Eficiencia Relativa
Evaluación De Proyectos
Evaluación De Potencial Eléctrico.
The project evaluation for the utilization of unconventional sources of energy using the data envelopment analysis is developed through a process to identify candidates to run projects investment. This procedure is performed based on a technique called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
which uses mathematical programming which has been used successfully to assess the relative performance of a set of Decision Making Units (DMU
for their acronym in English). Within the technique DEA multiple models are developed
which are evaluated and compared for their characteristics
advantages and disadvantages evaluated in several research. In this case the DMU are projects of di_x001B_erent generation technologies. As for projects to evaluate are considered two inputs and two outputs
all known data. Inputs (energy demand and supply resource in the area)
outputs (the economic bene_x001C_ts from implementation costs and environmental impacts). To implement this proposal analysis with real data from a region which is divided into zones
each with data on energy resource for all technologies considered and their respective impacts
demand of energy and the costs of implementation of each one of the di_x001B_erent technologies. Finally
an analysis of results is done after implementing the proposal
as well as a summary of the location of better project
what technologies are more adapted in these locations
which is the cost of the energy for the options of selected technologies
their impacts
cost-bene_x001C_t analysis of environmental impacts and e_x001E_ciency from the initially considered parameters.
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