Evaluación del potencial energético de la biomasa residual forestal en el departamento del Choco : caso de estudio

Por medio de la siguiente investigación se propone el uso de biomasa residual forestal como alternativa para abastecer y suplir la demanda de energía eléctrica, en las Zonas No Interconectadas de Colombia. Zonas que durante años no han sido atendidas debido a su difícil acceso; sin embargo, dichas z...

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Agamez Hernandez, Luz Teresa
Arroyo Paternina, Jorge Eliecer
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Zonas No Interconectadas (Zni)
Biomasa Residual Forestal
Potencial Energético
Energía Renovable
Generación De Electricidad
By means of the following research proposes the use of residual forestry biomass as an alternative to supply and meet the demand for electric energy
in the non-interconnected zones of Colombia. Areas that for years have not been met due to its difficult access; however
these areas have abundant biomass. This
to be a renewable resource
has the potential to reduce dependence on fossil fuels for the generation of electric energy. The present study was carried out in the municipalities of Riosucio and Carmen del Darien in the department of Chocó. This Department owns 15% of the forest coverage of Colombia and produces almost 60% of the lumber that is used in the country
which generates abundant forestry waste. These residues have a potential of 3
932.96 TJ per year
to the municipality of Riosucio
in where the Abarco and Cativo together each represent a 54 per cent of the total potential for this municipality. Likewise
the municipality of Carmen of Darien presents a potential of 1
914.52 TJ being
in this case
the Choibá the species that is most brings to this potential with a 27%. This research supports
in turn
consider the fact that the use of the residual forest in the municipalities of Carmen del Darien and Riosucio allow supply the latent need and the electricity demand of these municipalities
with 100% coverage
providing thus the electrical service to homes that lack this service.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)