Apoyo a la CDMB en el desarrollo de actividades para el funcionamiento de la red hidroclimatológica y procesamiento de la información, en estaciones localizadas en la microcuenca Río de Oro alto

La Corporación Autónoma Regional para la Defensa de la Meseta de Bucaramanga - CDMB, es la entidad ambiental encargada de administrar y monitorear los recursos naturales renovables en el área de su jurisdicción. Dentro de las actividades que se realizan en la entidad, se encuentra la administración...

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Galvis Duran, Laura Ximena
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Red Hidroclimatológica
Curva De Calibración
The Autonomous Regional Corporation for the Defense of the Bucaramanga Plateau - CMDB is the environmental agency responsible for managing and monitoring the renewable natural resources in the area of its jurisdiction. Among the activities carried out in the entity
is the administration of the hydro-climatological network by the research group and knowledge management
which consists of climatological and hydrometric stations that record weather information
changes in levels water flow in the main water sources. This paper shows the analysis of hydro-climatological variables from stations that the CDMB has within the micro watershed Río de Oro Alto
taking into account information from current stations and historical records of suspended stations. For the analysis of the climatological and water flow information
time series and analysis periods between 2012 and June 2016 were established. The periods of analysis were chosen taking as a criterion the percentage of data missing and detected errors in measurements by means of graphs. Afterwards monthly values of each variable were obtained and behaviors identified in measurements. As for the hydrometric information
calibration curves for El Rasgón were made starting from 2012
and the flow behavior and its relationship with precipitation events were analyzed. Finally
it was determined that gauging data for 2015 are scattered and are not adjusted to a calibration curve
which may be associated with bad practices in conducting water gauging
silting of the station due to lack of maintenance or problems dealing with variable section.
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