Eficiencia técnico-económica de la suplementación energética en ovinos alimentados con forraje verde y heno en pasturas de clima frio

En este trabajo se realiza una investigación de tipo paramétrico cuyo objetivo es evaluar la influencia de la suplementación energética en corderos de la raza Romney Marshs, alimentados con forraje verde y heno de una pradera mixta; para ello se utilizaron 30 corderos (15 hembras y 15 machos) con un...

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Correa Sepulveda, Slendy Lorena
Sequeda Caceres, Cristian Fernando
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:
Ganancia De Peso
Indice De Conversión Alimenticia.
In this paper
a parametric research is carried out in order to assess the influence of energy supplementation in lambs Marshs Romney race
fed with green fodder and hay of a mixed meadow; for this 30 lambs (15 males and 15 females) were used with an age of 2 to about 2.5 months
with a live weight ranged from 16-23 kg distributed in a block design completely random
where the blockade factor was sex
distributed in five treatments
two blocks and three replicates
with an animal as experimental unit. It was found that from a statistical point of view
at least one of the treatments differ from others
for each of the variables evaluated (feed intake
weight gain
feed conversion and economic valuation)
and in the analysis of economic behavior of the study
the treatment (T1
fodder more Repila rice) was the best demonstrated benefit as is obtained income per animal day of 295 pesos. Likewise was observed that the T1 (fodder more Repila rice) treatment was best demonstrated conversion rate
because the nutritional value of the fodder in the green state
was the closest approach to the requirements. It should be noted that although feed intake
weight gain and feed conversion ratio were not the expected behavior
you can see that sheep rearing is a viable alternative to the producer of the province of Garcia Rovira
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