Efectos económicos del conflicto armado interno en Colombia para el periodo 1990-2013

Esta investigación tiene como objetivo determinar los efectos del conflicto armado colombiano en el crecimiento económico para el período 1990-2013 distinguiendo el impacto de cada uno de los grupos y diferenciando la violencia generada desde el conflicto de la violencia criminal. El estudio se real...

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Castellanos Montt, Olga Lucia
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Conflicto Armado Interno
Crecimiento Económico
This research aims to determine the effects of violence associated with Colombian Armed Conflict on economic growth in the period 1990-2013
distinguishing the impact of conflicting groups and differentiating the violence of the conflict of criminal violence. . This study was conducted for the period 1990-2013
due to the strengthening of armed groups experienced in the 90s
which influenced the increase in spending on defense and security
positioning Colombia as the country with the largest military spending as a percentage GDP in the region. The conflict not only affects the dynamics of the economy directly
that is
through the impact on productivity; but also indirectly through the effects generated by the uncertainty of the situation. The end of the conflict would undoubtedly be leading the economy towards sustained growth
if the public policies and adequate economic measures are implemented. While the possible pacification of the conflict would liberate that part of the General Budget of the Nation
in the short term these dividends with which the war has been maintained
will have to be destined for the costs that the peace will generate. This does not mean that peace has a monetary value
which has a cost and quite high is the process to achieve it. Between 2000 and 2014
$ 4.13 billion has been allocated to financially compensate the victims of the conflict
the dialogues in Havana have generated a cost close to $ 15 billion until 2013
while the protection of more than 2 million children among the displaced And rescued from the subversive ranks has totaled $ 139.268 million.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)