Dispositivo para cuantificar la fuerza y coordinación viso-motora en terapias de rehabilitación de mano y dedos

En el proceso de rehabilitación, los fisioterapeutas evalúan distintos tipos de afecciones como lesiones o trauma de mano, lo cual contó con el mayor porcentaje entre las patologías encontradas en los centros de rehabilitación visitados. Los fisioterapeutas realizan valoraciones y terapias que permi...

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Amaya Ruiz, Andrea Nathalia
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Destreza Miembro Superior
Enfoques Terapéuticos
Coordinación Visomotora.
In the course of the rehabilitation process
physiotherapists assess different types of conditions such as trauma of the hand
which had the highest percentage among the different pathologies found in the rehabilitation centers visited and therefore is the main theme of this project. Physical therapists perform assessments and therapies that allow regain strength and mobility considering the type of injury and the degree of pain. During physical rehabilitation different recovery strategies are used and although recovery depends mostly on the continuity of the process
it is important to note that the patient's readiness is a critical pillar in improving and therefore affects the evolution. The developing of therapy is assessed by observation and fulfillment of tasks
guided by an established protocol
giving qualitative results. Therefore
as described previously
it was found the need for an objective assessment by the acquisition of data in units of force and carry out a more accurate patient progress monitoring
thus integrating methods that provide motivation for performing the exercises. This allows the physiotherapist keep track of the evolution of therapy and the patient is more willing to do it. A device that integrates the measurement of strength and coordination visuo-motor and allows the evaluation of any hand through a sequence of exercises through audiovisual stimuli were designed; likewise piezoresistive sensors has made measuring strength of each finger. Finally
testing patients and tracking the data during therapy was performed. The designed device showed satisfactory results
where patients progress evidenced by a data collection and conducting exercises assessing the visual-motor coordination through games. Thus
the prototype aims to generate a positive impact on the process of rehabilitation therapy
integrating new tools to evaluate the patient's progress and its use by the physical rehabilitation.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)