Brindar asesoría jurídica sobre la aplicación de los tipos de contratos laborales, la viabilidad jurídica de cada uno en las relaciones que se derivan, y hacer control de legalidad de los procedimientos y comunicaciones que se manejan en cuanto a las relaciones laborales y procesos que se encuentran en curso en la jurisdicción

El objetivo general de este proyecto se basó en asesorar el departamento de recurso humano de OTACC S.A. acerca la aplicación de los tipos de contratos laborales, la viabilidad jurídica de cada uno, en las relaciones que se derivan, y hacer control de legalidad de los procedimientos y comunicaciones...

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Villanueva Salamanca, Karen Geraldine
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Otacc S.A.
Contrato Laboral
Estabilidad Laboral Reforzada
Incapacidad Laboral
Derecho De Petición
Contestación De Demandas.
The overall objective of this project was based on advising the human resource department of OTACC SA about the implementation of the types of labor contracts
legal viability of each
in relationships that result
and make the legality of the procedures and handle communications regarding labor relations and processes that are underway in the jurisdiction. With the development of this business legal practice in the Technical Advisory Consultants Organization Constructores- OTACC SA
in addition to the implementation of my knowledge as a senior in law
it was possible to demonstrate the problems arising from a recruitment labor
because this every employer should be cautious when making any decision against its workers in order to avoid future and potential claims before the Court
claims may prove to be costly for the company. Is determining the joint work with the different entities of the exercise of Social Security System in Health and the Colombian labor law has granted them certain powers for enforcement and respect for labor rights of workers. It was also determined that it is essential for all employers have a vision for Predictable labor ties arising in their organization and that failure to do so
the increase in labor claims to be affected increase interest in special economic factor of the organization. He finally succeeded in developing a matrix of both work processes as other areas (administrative
civil ...) the right to organize and standardize the management of records in OTACC SA.
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