Diseño e implementación de un modelo para la asignación de rutas de recolección de basuras en Econatural S.A E.S.P

El incremento de las grandes industrias y el aumento en la población, ha generado que el problema de recolección de residuos urbanos sea tratado con mayor importancia y complejidad en los últimos años, pensando siempre en mitigar el impacto ambiental y preservar la salubridad de la comunidad; lo que...

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Ayala Castellanos, Brighith Lisseth
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Ocarp. Branch And Bound
The increase in major industries and the increase in population
has meant that the problem of urban waste collection be treated with great importance and complexity in the last years
always thinking to mitigate the environmental impact and to preserve the health of the community; which arouses the interest in investigating the world of operations research
especially the diversity of techniques applied to optimize transport. The Econatural S.A E.S.P Company provides the service for garbage collection
and a route design is constructed using a computational tool to optimize the route time of the collection program. It begins with a previous diagnosis to know the operations of the collection process
followed by the investigation of the review of the literature in addressing the problems and possible solutions
to select the appropriate modeling according to the characteristics of the company. The problem is modeled as an integer linear programming under the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem CARP
in its OCARP extension
consisting of a vehicle with the homogeneous ability to visit a set of streets at least once
defining the points of entry and exit that best fits the route minimizing the time of collection. For its solution it was used the computational tool Excel and its complement Solver Premium as well its exact Branch and Bound algorithm
defining scenarios of input nodes and outputs
taking into account parameters of proximity to roads to subsequently undertake the connections to certain surrounding neighborhoods.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)