Aplicación de las snss (social networking sites) a los procesos de reclutamiento y selección del talento humano. Comparación España-Colombia

Con el advenimiento de las las dinámicas sociales tomaron un nuevo curso, en tanto a interacción y relaciones se refiere. El escenario laboral no fue ajeno a ello, y en esa línea, tanto las empresas como los profesionales han utilizado estas plataformas como herramientas decisivas para soportar los...

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Badran Lizarazo, Rina Marcela
Camacho Cantillo, Duberly Carolina
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Snss (Social Networking Sites)
Procesos De Reclutamiento Y Selección
Talento Humano
With the advent of Social Networking Sites (SNSs)
social dynamics took a new course concerning both interaction and relationships. The labor scenario was no stranger to this change
as such companies used these platforms as decision making tools to support the recruitment and human talent selection and professionals used them to promote themselves as potential candidates for future employment opportunities. This investigation collects the results of a research based on qualitative
starting with a systematic review of literature
analyzes of the use of SNSs to the recruitment and selection of human talent in companies and oil and gas employees for Santander state in Colombia and Catalonia autonomous community in Spain
identifying the gap in the regions under study. From the literature review
it was determined that over time this issue has gained importance in the world of research
finding that SNSs are positioned as a tool for the comprehensive study of candidates
and even for preselect them. On the other hand
the field study made it clear that Spain for being a first world country has given a most welcome to SNSs within their recruitment and selection in the hydrocarbon sector
as their companies use previously and are giving greater importance to information found in SNSs candidates in making the selection decision
the above compared to Colombia. 3
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