Factibilidad para la creación de la fundación "Camila Ed" destinada al servicio y rehabilitación de los niños y jóvenes con discapacidad en la provincia comunera, con sede en el Socorro Santander

Esta investigación contiene los estudios pertinentes para determinar la factibilidad y sostenibilidad de la fundación. La idea del proyecto nace de observar la necesidad que existe en 586 familias que tienen un niño o joven en discapacidad en la provincia comunera, sin contar con los recursos necesa...

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Forero Osorio, Claudia Milena
Valencia Santamaria, Lill Andrea
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Atención Integral
This research contains relevant studies to determine the feasibility and sustainability of the foundation. The project idea was born of observing the need in 586 families with a disabled child or young person in the province commoner
without the necessary resources to provide the treatment required. This study aims to determine the feasibility of creating a foundation provider of rehabilitation services that benefit children and youth in the province commoner
to provide specialized high quality services to improve the quality of life of these exceptional beings; and be a source of employment. The methodology used in this project is descriptive and exploratory in which there is evidence of veracity of the data obtained in the study of markets
and checks for an unmet demand and the ability to provide the subsidized services to people stratum 1 and 2 having this kind of condition
also discussed that there is no competition
as the technology used to present high quality services is also described. Being a service offering that provides many benefits to this population it connotes good market acceptance
therefore the foundation seeks to achieve donations from various entities
national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations
individuals and companies they are interested in supporting this type of case.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)