Diseño de un sistema de costos para la empresa rikus precocidos

Rikus Precocidos es una empresa que se dedica a la elaboración y comercialización de productos alimenticios, ofreciendo calidad y satisfacción a sus clientes; enfocados en ello es que la empresa busca cada vez ir mejorando en sus procesos con el fin de obtener una ventaja competitiva, la cual la hag...

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Suarez Bermudez, Slendy
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Sistema De Costos
Órdenes De Producción
Elementos Del Costo
Costos Indirectos De Fabricación.
Rikus Precocidos is a company dedicated to the elaboration and commercialization of food products that offers quality and costumers satisfaction; in order to do this
the company is focused on continuously improving its processes in order to get the competitive advantage which will lead it to make the difference among its competitors. Taking this into account
the present project is based on the need of the company to determine its cost of production in order to establish competitive prices that could let it to have a status and help it to grow. To do his
it´s necessary to analyze the different methodologies of costs using a multi-criteria analysis
in order to choose the one that could better fit the characteristics of production and the needs of the company; the results of the analysis is that the production orders system is the most suitable. After this analysis
it was necessary to identify the cost elements that belong to this methodology
which were integrated into on Excel template where the total order cost and the unit cost are indicated. Finally
an initial test as performed using the different products of the company in order to obtain the unit cost for each of them and a comparative analysis was performed using previous costs and costs results with this methodology. This document was elaborated to show the results obtained during the activities previously mentioned
there is also a step-by-step explanation about how the different cost elements were assigned to each production order and using this
ho the unit cost were obtained. The document also has conclusions and recommendations as the project as finished
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