Una mirada al humanismo en Martín Heidegger como abolición de todo relato fundacional

La presente monografía se propuso indagar sobre la comprensión del hombre luego de que el pensar metafísico se agotara, para ello se encontró lugar en la propuesta filosófica de Martin Heidegger, donde hallamos una crítica radical al animal dotado de razón que se afirmó a lo largo de la tradición oc...

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Cala Rodriguez, Anderson Fabian
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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The present monograph it was proposed to inquire about the comprehension of the man after the metaphysical thinking was depleted
thus it was found place in the proposal philosophical of Martin Heidegger
whom we found a radical critique to the animal gifted of reason which it states along the occidental tradition and now it was shown as a meaningless. to achieve the aim
in first place it was made an exposition about the concept of reason with the purpose to characterizing the comprehension of the tradition about the human
then it was illustrated the pass of the rational animal to the Dasein that characterise by exist and it is not understood as a subject
by last it was characterised to the man-shepherd to save his truth that is where It crystallized the proposal of the human by the Messkirch thinker. To carry out exploration proposal
took into Being and Time and Letter on Humanism. It should also be noted that what began here as a search for the ways he had left the man after the exhaustion of metaphysical thinking
ended up becoming a reflection of the positions Thinker Messkirch we find a path to the problem. On this point we must say that
so forth herein is not intended to the status of a final answer to the question
just the opposite of what is involved is the start of a path that leads to further reflection
as the same Heidegger he says
his thoughts before founding is preparatory and seeks to awaken a willingness to think beyond traditional metaphysics.
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