Diseño y construcción de una máquina para corte y grabado con rayo láser controlada por computador

El objetivo de este trabajo de grado es contribuir con el desarrollo académico de la Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica de la Universidad Industrial de Santander mediante una máquina de corte y grabado con rayo láser controlada por computador que pueda utilizarse como complemento en la formación de los...

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Mesa Albarracin, Nestor Julian
Cañas Triana, Gerson Camilo
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Láser De Dióxido De Carbono
Diseño De Máquina Cortadora
Control Por Computador.
The aim of this graduation project is to contribute with the academic development of the School of Mechanical Engineering at Industrial University of Santander through a cutting and engraving computer controlled laser beam machine that can be used as a complement to the learning experience of students in different areas of their career. In addition to the development of student projects. The laser cutting machine is constituted by two stepper motors
which move a laser lens in a plane with XY coordinates
the positioning of these motors is controlled by a card that receives the signal from the computer. The laser beam is directed by a mirror system until it reaches the work table
its pulse and power is controlled by a power source. The heat generated by the laser is cooled by water provided by a centrifugal pump. The document consists of the development of the project
starting with the definition of a clear conceptual design
which allows a concise selection of the subsystems that make up the machine
selecting the right laser and optical system
pump and cooling system
the stepper motors
control card
power supply and software that control the machine using the computer to simulate the behavior of the critical parts of the machine when is subjected to forces using the SOLIDWORKS software. Based on the previous specifications
a design was established according to the parameters
and methods of calibration and testing equipment were decided. Security protocols
operation and maintenance that will ensure proper operation of the machine were agreed.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)