Identificación de las prácticas de referencia innovadoras aplicadas por las organizaciones del sector ortopédico en la generación de valor

Las tipologías de innovación abierta y capacidades de innovación son tópicos importantes en la gestión de la innovación, porque son parte del procedimiento para regular y liderar los bienes de una organización, buscando consolidar y optimizar sus productos, procesos y servicios. Este artículo tiene...

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Barrera Rios, Nidia Viviana
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:
Capacidades De Innovación
Capacidad De Innovación Abierta
Capacidades Dinámicas
Innovación Abierta
Integración Estratégica De Innovación
Innovación En Salud
Innovación Ortopédica
Dispositivos Médicos
Modelo De Negocio
Modelo De Negocio Abierto
Beneficios Socioeconómicos
Creación De Valor.
The types of open innovation and innovation capabilities are important in innovation management topics
because they are part of the process to regulate and lead the assets of an organization
seeking to consolidate and optimize their products
processes and services. This article aims to explore the limits of our understanding regarding the challenges and opportunities presented in the orthopedic biomedical sector
by making use of medical devices; besides identify reference practices of those organizations employing innovation capabilities strategies and open innovation. Therefore
this work provides answers to the following research questions
what is needed in the orthopedic sector to provide better quality service delivery through innovation? When these organizations must adopt the innovation types to remain competitive in the current environment? and ¿how organizations achieved sustainable business models? Both innovation capabilities and open innovation
are valuable concepts that can be implemented in different ways. It is therefore necessary to define the internal and external factors affecting identification. The process to achieve profitable business models
relates: both the conceptual development of innovative typologies applied to the use of medical devices; as in the service and development of new products in the orthopedic sector. That is why investigative monitoring should be performed
involving related information documented with the topics in question
to determine the relative importance of the factors that build sustainable models
in order to understand the causal effects and validate the dependencies of context in the innovation continue.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)