Determinación de los parámetros dinámicos de los suelos mediante el uso del aparato de refracción sísmica en un lote del municipio de Charta, Santander

El municipio de Charta –Santander, desarrolla el proyecto de vivienda “Urbanización Villa Suarez”, para el cual se han realizado estudios geotécnicos mediante ensayos de campo, donde se hicieron sondeos a rotación y percusión en tramos de 50 cms de longitud haciendo ensayos de penetración estándar S...

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Merchan Gamez, Sergio Alejandro
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Métodos Sísmicos
Refracción Sísmica
Velocidad De Onda
The municipality of Charta
develops the housing project "Urbanization Villa Suarez"
for which geotechnical studies have been conducted through field trials
where rotation and percussion soundings were performed in lengths of 50 cm in length by standard penetration tests SPT in each
determining a characteristic stratigraphic profile of the study area
the mechanical parameters of soil and soil profile classification according to the NSR-10 standard. Since geophysical methods are now an alternative for characterization and geotechnical exploration
serving in this case as a complement to the results obtained by the soundings
it was performed a laying seismic or refractive line that was spread throughout the lot
taking advantage of wave propagation generated by impulsive means
it can get a velocity profile of compression waves (P waves) which allows to determine the strata in-depth of soils from modeling data using software
verifying the information obtained in the soundings. Furthermore
to generate a profile of tomography which can determine the depth of base based on the P-wave velocity. With the same laying seismic
it was performed an assay of surface waves
whereby the wave velocities S are determined
speeds that are the basis for calculating the dynamic parameters of the soil
this method is of great importance according to the NSR-10 standard for classifying a soil profile
these are the wave velocities versus the first parameter to determine the type of profile.
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