Evaluación de modelos de fuentes de generación fotovoltaica y eólica para la estimación de estado de la calidad de la potencia en sistemas de distribución de energía eléctrica

Este trabajo tiene como propósito brindar un enfoque de la integración de fuentes renovables de generación de energía eléctrica en las redes de distribución. Para el desarrollo del presente trabajo se realiza una selección de los modelos de fuente de generación fotovoltaica y eólica encontrados en l...

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Vera Abril, Andres Leonardo
Osma Pastrana, Ricardo
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:
Calidad De La Potencia
Generación Distribuida
Hundimientos De Tensión
Punto De Acoplamiento Común
Sistemas Fotovoltaicos
Sistemas Eólicos.
This work has as purpose to offer a focus of the integration of renewable sources of electric power generation in the distribution grid. For the development of the present work is made a selection of the models of source of photovoltaic and Eolic generation that are found in the revision of the technical literature
later on it is evaluated each model in the coupling with the ideal network and after with the electric network of 34 nodes reported by IEEE for looking the impacts in the main network produced by the connection of the distributed generation units. The evaluation of the models of source of photovoltaic and Eolic generation coupled in nodes of interest to the electric network
allows to determine the behavior of the network of test in stable and transitory condition. For the analysis of the electric network in permanent steady state under influence of distributed generation is analyzed the behavior of the signs of tension
current and power so much for the scenarios without distributed generation and with distributed generation. With the analysis for the scenario under presence of sources of renewable energy in the electric network
the most suitable cases are selected for the good operation of this grid which doesn't commit their security and maintain their stability. In the transitory state originated due to a fault event in busbars of the system
is analyzed the effect that produces this contingency in the different points of the network
in terminals of the units of electric power generation and the effects in the node of the main generation which supplies the distribution system.
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