Estudio de prefactibilidad para la constitución de una empresa de transporte de carga en el municipio de Tibú, norte de Santander

Del conocimiento de las condiciones socio-económicas y culturales del Municipio de tibú, que poseen los autores por ser naturales y vecinos de este, se desarrolla la idea de negocio para la creación de una empresa prestadora del servicio de transporte de carga, en especial dirigido al sector product...

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Prada Gomez, Jesus Alexi
Soto Estevez, Ledys Maria
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Sector Palmicultor
Fruto De Palma
Transporte De Carga.
From the knowledge of the cultural and socio-economical conditions of the municipality of Tibú
whom the authors possess for being born and neighbors of this one
it´s developed the business idea for the creation of a lending Enterprise to de Service of load transport
in special
aimed to the Oil Palm Productor Section
taking into account that is the branch of economy with the largest growth in the municipality and with future projection; so
is required a quality-based system that answers to the expectations of the customers in relation to the conditions of the actual Service
the idea was fundamented in the non-existance of a load transport Enterprise legally constituted and habilitated by the Ministry of Transport to the lending of the Service and the imperating need of a load transport Service that fulfills with the specifical conditions required by the section and the customers. To find out the technical and financial viability of the business idea
a pre-factibility studio was made out
identifying the conditions of the section
the variants of the potential and objective variants of the market
and by this method was estiamted the demand and offer of the Service in the actual conditions
with the results of the market studio
was projected the need of inversion in vehicles
gear and personel
and the others technical concepts needed for the Enterprise operation
there are present basic elements of the organizational studio
and it was done a detailed analization of the laws who rule the offered Service
it was made the financial evaluation of the Project to establish of rentability in the horizon of evaluation time of the Project.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)