Propuesta metodológica para estimar los costos asociados a los modelos de inventario con demanda independiente y ordenes repetitivas

Este proyecto presenta el diseño de una metodología para el cálculo de los parámetros de costos de los modelos de gestión de inventario, es una guía para empresarios y académicos, que permite disminuir la subjetividad a la hora del cálculo, para esto se realiza un análisis de los costos de adquisici...

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Quiroga Valencia, Maria Fernanda
Silva Arias, Douglass Mauricio
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Gestión De Inventarios
Costos De Inventarios
Costo De Mantener
Costo De Adquisición
Costo De Ordenar
Costo De Faltantes.
This work presents the design of a methodology for calculate the cost parameters of the inventory management models
is a guide for entrepreneurs and academics
which helps to reduce the subjectivity in the calculation
an analysis is performed about purchase cost
fixed order cost
holding cost and backorder cost on inventory models. For the construction the theoretical statements found in the literature review is used as the fundamental basis
the triangulation method is applied as a tool to compare and synthesize the different theories and methodologies compiled in the literature review. Allowing identify the different elements that compose each inventory cost. As a result of the research is obtained a methodology
which characterizes the parameters of inventory costs with the description of each costs element. Is a series of four steps that guide the reader in the calculation of these parameters
through mathematical equations that allow getting a value for each element
reducing the subjectivity degree. The methodology is designed for two particular types of companies: the case where is a manufacturing company and the case where is a commercialization company
this is taken in the structure of the text to facilitate the understanding and the application of it.
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