Diseño de sistema hidráulico para recuperación de aguas. caso de estudio: laboratorio de procesos de ingeniería química-Universidad Industrial de Santander

El presente proyecto consiste en el diseño de un sistema hidráulico para recuperación de aguas en el laboratorio de Ingeniería Química, ubicado en la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Esta idea nace ante la necesidad de disminuir el alto consumo de agua en dicho laboratorio y por consiguiente evi...

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Castillo Diaz, Yuber
Romero Villegas, Rosa Mercedes
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Recuperación De Agua
Diseño De Sistema Hidráulico
Reducción Del Consumo De Agua.
This project consists of the design of a hydraulic system for recovery of water in the chemical engineering lab at Universidad Industrial de Santander
in response to the need to reduce water In the initial stage
water consumption by each piece of equipment in the lab
as well as its flow volume and corresponding temperature
were analyzed and assessed. In the second phase
the water transport piping system was designed
taking into consideration piping diameters
material (PVC)
and all possible losses. The high temperature (640 Celsius) of water coming from lab equipment pieces must be highlighted
given that it must be brought down to room temperature (23o) so as to be reutilized
which calls for installation of a heat exchanger
in this case a cooling tower. Next
installation was considered of a pump to carry water from a storage tank measuring (1.5*1.5* 1.5 m) to a tank on the lab top. Finally
the study and design included evaluation of the feasibility to recirculate water into the equipment
or using it for general cleaning
all along calculating the expenses
advantages and drawbacks
as well as upkeep costs of the two possibilities.
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