Aportes al conocimiento de la metalogénesis del AU en la mina la providencia (municipio Vetas, macizo de Santander)

La Providencia es un depósito mineral con estilos de mineralización porfirítico y epitermal; localizado a 1.2km al NW del Municipio de Vetas (Distrito Minero Vetas-California); el cual se hospeda mayoritariamente en rocas metamórficas temporalmente relacionadas con la orogenia Grenviliana y en menor...

Full description

Grimaldos Martinez, Dayanna Stephany
Barrera Rojas, Edith Gisela
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Mineralización Porfirítica
Mineralización Epitermal
Brechas Hidrotermales
Eventos De Alteración Hidrotermal-Mineralización
Contexto Paragenético
Sulfuración Intermedia
Alta Sulfuración
Inclusiones Fluidas
La Providencia is a mineral deposit by means of porphyritic and epithermal style; it is located 1.2 km to the northwest of municipality of Vetas (Vetas- California Mining District); in which it is stayed mainly by metamorphic rocks related to the Grenvilian Orogeny and to a lesser degree by igneous rocks of finals of Late Triassic- beginnings of the Early Jurassic. The most interesting ore bodies in this deposit are represented by hydrothermal veins and gaps. The events of hydrothermal-mineralization alteration
recognized by scaled deposit
are represented by the following events of porphyritic style: (a) Event I (propylitic alteration)
related to the presence of chlorite-epidote-calcite-quartz-pyrite. (b) Event II (sericite alteration)
associated to the presence of quartz-pyrite and quartz-pyrite-arsenopyrite veins. The events of epithermal style
are represented by: (C) Event III (advanced argillic alteration Qz+Kln+Dck) in which is associated to an state of intermedia sulfidation related to presence of quartz - pyrite chalcopyrite veins
quartz - pyrite Fe poor sphalerite veins
and veins using crustiform texture of quartz-pyrite-galena-hübnerite; and (e) Event IV (Qz-Alu alteration and silification) include quartz-alunitepyrite veins
alunite Fe poor sphalerite veins and area using residual silica where it presents the last paragenetic enargita-quartz-sphalerite-pyrite-Autellurides context. This last event has been interpreted as a form under the high sulfidation condition. The mineralogy referred in each one of the events is affected in different grade by supergene alteration process. The studies of Primary Fluid Inclusions by quartz related to the Event II
suggest that this was related to the aqueous saline fluids with temperatures between 260-320°C and with variable salinities of 4-16% by weight. The above- mentioned data
indicate that the event of alteration mineralization in the municipality of Vetas
are very similar to the brought events along the La Baja Gorge in the Municipality of California.
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