Estudio del comportamiento mecánico a tensión de un material compuesto con matriz polimérica de resina epoxi reforzado con fibras de carbono de alta resistencia con un tejido cuatriaxial

Durante los últimos años se ha presentado un gran crecimiento en el estudio y análisis de nuevos materiales, tales como los denominados materiales compuestos, principalmente para aplicaciones espaciales, subacuáticas y en la industria de medios de transporte, las cuales requieren materiales ligeros...

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Pedraza Rosas, Sandra Liliana
Toloza Meza, Sergio Andres
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Material Compuesto
Matriz Polimérica
In recent years there has been a great growth in the study and analysis of new materials
as so-called composite materials
primarily for space applications
underwater industry and transport
which require lightweight materials with demanding mechanical performance. This research aims to study the mechanical behavior tensile a composite with polymer matrix epoxy resin carbon fiber with a woven cuatriaxial determining properties such as ultimate breaking strength
yield strength and modulus of elasticity based on standard ASTM D3039/D3039M14. Twenty specimens were tested in total
divided into groups of five specimens with different orientations (0°
and additionally
six pieces were tested plain weave (the most common on the market)
two specimens per orientation (0°
45° and 90°)
in order to contrast the behavior of these against the proposed woven. It was found that the properties in the composites vary the direction in which the fibers are oriented
the results showed that the woven cuatriaxial the stress value is less than the plain weave only in the direction zero (0°)
in a 39%
due plain weave has more fibers in that direction
higher in the direction of ninety (90°) in a 17% and in the case of forty five value is greater in a 82%. In the same way as the study of the orientations where no have fiber
in the plain weave the direction in which They not have the fibers is forty-five (45°) and in woven proposed it is the degree thirty (30°) and it can be seen that in this case the behavior of tissue cuatriaxial is the greater value of stress in a 66%.
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