Implementación de indicadores cmd a los equipos eléctricos de la subestaciones de Electrohuila S.A. E.S.P.

Este proyecto parte de la necesidad de implementar indicadores internacionales que permitan a Electrohuila S.A E.S.P orientar desde un nivel estratégico las acciones correctivas, proactivas y predictivas del mantenimiento; así, como sentar las bases para incursionar en tácticas de mantenimiento TPM...

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Losada Rodriguez, Mauricio
Jaimes Gil, Leonardi Edilberto
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Indicadores Cmd
Distribución Probabilística
Parámetro De Forma
Parámetro De Escala
Curva De Davies.
This project is the need to implement international indicators that allow Electrohuila S.A E.S.P from a strategic level guidance corrective
proactive and predictive maintenance actions; as well as lay the groundwork for maintenance tactics venture into TPM and RCM. The methodology adopted for the implementation of CMD indicators
was calculating the average time between maintenance
mean time between failures
mean time to repair
mean time for planned interventions; These times were calculated by considering three probalistics distributions: Normal distribution
distribution Logo Normal and essentially the Weibull distribution has great adaptation to the three areas of the bathtub curve
and its shape parameters and scale are easily calculable in Excel using the method of linear regression or least squares. Calculated the CMD indicators through one or more probability distributions and estimating the parameters for each distribution
the input data are obtained to feed the statistical prediction models such as the model forecast expected number of events
using simulation Monte Carlo simulation technique that takes advantage of the processing speed of the computer to perform experiments that simulate future behavior of the equipment.
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