Análisis de casos sobre la variación de la distorsión armónica producida por cargas clasificadas como herramientas portátiles y equipo trifásico frente a cambios en la amplitud y distorsión de la tensión de alimentación

Las distorsiones armónicas en corriente y tensión que se producen por las cargas eléctricas con comportamiento no lineal, ocasionan mala calidad en el suministro energético, esto se traduce en pérdidas de potencia, acortamiento de la vida útil de los equipos, calentamientos excesivos en motores y fa...

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Arango Ramos, Cristian Fauricio
Ayala Troconis, Jose Miguel
Tipo de recurso:
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Distorsión Armónica
Espectro Armónico
Calidad De La Potencia
Graficas Fingerprint.
Harmonic distortions in current and voltage that occur for the electric charges with non-linear behavior
occasion poor quality of energy supply
this is translates in loss of power
shortening of the useful life of equipment
excessive heating in motors and faults in its operation
between others. For these reasons the studies pertinent on harmonic distortions in electrical networks
are not made wait
as the analysis result its key for the improvement of mitigation of this phenomenon. The main reason for this degree work is the case analysis study on the variation of the harmonic distortion produced by loads classified as portable tools and three-phase equipment against changes in the amplitude and distortion of the supply voltage. In the proposed analysis
it is provided indices as the of sensitivity
THD and graphic evidence
these are keys for transmit the effects the same that the behavior of the harmonic spectrum of such loads before the variations of the supply voltage. It are performed one series of experiments in the that it carried out as weep of magnitude and harmonic phase angle with respect to the fundamental signal of the supply voltage for three-phase and single-phase loads Tabla 3. Where it seeks to evidence the behavior of the current harmonica absorbed in these variations. For this is used the information that is obtained of the harmonic spectrum of the signal measured in time
and once it has with these dates it evidences so much current and voltage in graphs Fingerprint
again it the apply some indices harmonics that allow evidence completed results for this studio. 3
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