Asistencia jurídica laboral y en seguridad social a trabajadores del sector educativo organizados bajo el sindicato de educadores de Santander

El Sindicato de los Trabajadores del Sector Educativo de Santander (como organización gremial legalmente constituida), tiene un consultorio jurídico a través del cual, los estudiantes que se encuentran realizando la práctica jurídico-social, prestan el servicio de asesoría en temas relativos a la pr...

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Rey Ortega, Sylvia Stefania
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Derechos Fundamentales De Docentes
Derechos De Petición
Acciones De Tutela
Incidentes De Desacato
Régimen Excepcional De Salud.
The Union of Workers of the Education Sector of Santander (as legally constituted trade union organization)
has a legal office through which students who are conducting the legal and social practice
providing consulting service on issues relating to the preservation of fundamental rights delimited in the constitutional and individual labor law of their members. These activities are carried out by operating the judicial apparatus implementing constitutional mechanisms such Writs of Amparo
Impugnments and Contempt Incidents according to each particular case. The purpose of the practice was to strengthen the provision of legal assistance for education workers belonging to the Unión. By academic exercise
it was observed that the demand for advice on the health issue is quite significant
observing this
the critical moment that is going through the General System of Social Security in Colombia specifically as regards the right to health for teachers circumscribed in the department of Santander; union that despite being one of the most influential sectors in the national political organization
is no exception to the negative impact that has occurred in the abrupt violation of one of the most essential fundamental rights to preserve decent terms in the development of every human being. From experienced it in practice
it can be concluded that the shortcomings presented in the General Social Security System in Health of the country
constitute a systematic violation of fundamental rights cohesive with health by not guaranteeing the basic conditions of welfare citizens.
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