Fortalecimiento del clima organizacional de la empresa J.E Jaimes Ingenieros S.A. (Bogotá, Colombia) desde el enfoque de responsabilidad social empresarial

El Clima Organizacional en las empresas es un aspecto fundamental, debido a que es una parte determinante en las relaciones laborales, el ambiente en las organizaciones y las relaciones entre los grupos de trabajo; éste se transforma entonces en un indicador de la productividad y efectividad en los...

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Esparza Guerrero, Silvia Jimena
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Clima Organizacional
Responsabilidad Social Empresarial
Productividad Laboral
Organizational Climate in companies is an essential aspect since it represents a determinant part in working relationships
the environment in organizations and workplace relationships within work groups. This way it makes it possible for them to indicate the productivity and effectiveness in The proposal that follows is based on the modality of dissertation
business internship done in J.E Jaimes Ingenieros S.A. enterprise
located in Bogotá
Colombia. The aim of this proposal consists in the development of strategies which contribute to strengthening the company organizational climate from the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach. This will be achieved by means of the creation of an organizational climate diagnosis of the Company so that
a proposal for improvement is set out. The contents of this project is structured in three phases: first
an investigative phase which became the input that allowed developing the diagnostic phase establishing the strengths
threats and opportunities of the company regarding its organizational climate was structured from a strategic vision. Finally
we conducted a planning phase in which improvement strategies work atmosphere of the company under proposed intervention The results allow us to infer that J.E. Jaimes Ingenieros SA in a company that prioritizes the welfare of its employees forward different strategies to generate optimal organizational climate so that they carry out their daily tasks. However
it is essential to take into account the observations made by the workers
which would generate greater motivation in the company
while the team of the organization makes decisions that cause an impact on the workers for foster internal communication between divisions of the company.
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