Caracterización de los relictos boscosos ubicados en la vereda Ayacucho del municipio de concepción- Santander entre la cota 2000 a 3800 m.s.n.m como ecosistemas de referencia para la recuperación de los bosques altoandinos

Este trabajo a nivel evaluativo representa las determinaciones a nivel ecológico de un Área ubicada en el Municipio de Concepción en la Vereda Ayacucho en el Departamento de Santander; como tal se fundamentó en la intervención que tiene el hombre en las áreas protegidas y la poca intervención que ti...

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Focazzio Ortiz, Flor Esther
Camargo Barajas, Graciano
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Dominancia Absoluta
Dominancia Relativa
Estructura Vertical
Estructura Horizontal
This evaluative work represents determinations at the ecological level of an Area located in the municipality of Concepción in the village of Ayacucho in the Department of Santander. As such it was based on the intervention having the man in protected areas and the little intervention that they have the corporations responsible for the protection of Protected Areas of the Moor and Subpáramo located in the dimensions between the 3200 to 3800 meters above sea level this process was conducted with the location of areas within the field to study. Of which were representative locations where the establishment of random plots where different methods of identification of species present in the field was held. With pictures of floristic and formulation of abundance
frequency and dominance of species identification so as to formulate ecological restoration and solving problems that are present. Giving as a result of this identification flowers in abundance; Frequency and dominance of the species presented in different plots in the territory at the ecological level. Showing the extreme intervention by the community in the deterioration of land used in cattle extension and agriculture on a large scale in areas where previously should be located as sanctuaries of stopped. So this proposal evaluation can promote itself to the conservation of territory to carry out an ecological reconstruction of the land with accomp
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